Guarana Extract and its benefits

Guarana, a fruit native to the Amazon region, has been an integral part of indigenous culture and traditional medicine for centuries. Additionally, Guarana seeds are widely consumed in Brazil because of their flavor and health benefits. Furthermore, one of the most effective ways to harness these benefits is through Guarana Extract, a product that has gained increased attention from the dietary supplement and pharmaceutical industries. This heightened interest stems from its stimulating and antioxidant properties, making it a compelling choice for various applications.

Guarana is cultivated in the North and Northeast regions of Brazil, mainly in the state of Bahia. In 2022, Bahia’s guarana production accounted for 63.2% of the total guarana harvested in Brazil. In that year the harvest reached a record of 1,555 tons, according to data from the National Supply Company (Conab). The unique climatic conditions of this region create an ideal terroir for the healthy development of the guarana trees. 

The production of the Guarana Extract is complex and involves several stages to preserve its beneficial properties. After harvesting, the seeds are removed, dried, and grinded to be extracted with water. The powder extract is produced by the spray-drying technique and do not compromise its nutritional benefits. 

The benefits of Guarana Extract are vast and cover various health aspects. Firstly, the significant caffeine content delivers stimulant properties, which improves concentration, increases energy, and reduces fatigue. Additionally, Guarana is rich in antioxidants that combat free radicals in the body which can contribute to the prevention of degenerative diseases. Another relevant aspect is the potential of Guarana Extract as an aid in weight loss, due to its ability to accelerate metabolism and promote fat burning. This property has sparked interest among those seeking a natural approach to weight control. 

Here at Verum Ingredients, we source our raw botanicals from farms that have rigorous agricultural practices and conduct meticulous harvests. Our botanicals undergo dehydration and minimal processing, and are ideal for applications such as infusions, beverages, and food.  

Our Botanical extracts are produced by the spray-drying process, converting the liquid concentrates into a fine, dry, water-soluble powder. 

We collaborate closely with our clients to develop new ingredients according to their technical requirements and assist them in the formulation of new Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) products. Our commitment is to provide premium food ingredients to demanding customers, supporting the development of products that promote health. Contact us today through our channels and learn more about our products.

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