The potential of organic coffee products

Coffee is one of the most enjoyed and consumed beverages worldwide due to its flavor and stimulating effects. Additionally, it serves as a morning ritual for many, providing a necessary boost to start the day.

In its original form, coffee is the fruit of the Coffea plant, belonging to the Rubiaceae botanical family. The coffee tree produces a red berry, known as “coffee cherry,” which contains the seeds known as coffee beans. The seeds are removed from the fruit after harvesting and undergo a drying process, followed by roasting and grinding.

Traditionally, the ground coffee obtained from the roasted coffee beans is the most used. More recently, there has been a growing interest in the coffee berry, in different stages of ripeness, with or without seeds, due to its flavor and nutritional profile. The coffee fruit has emerged as a new superfood that contains stimulants and antioxidants, with health-promoting properties, including anti-inflammatory effects and immune system support.

In many regions of the world, there has been an increase in organic coffee cultivation, without the use of pesticides or synthetic fertilizers. As a result, a higher quality coffee is available in the market, while the sustainability of agricultural ecosystems and environmental conservation is ensured.

The applications of organic coffee go beyond traditional brewing. It can be used in teas, energy drinks, flavored drinks, and sports drinks, offering various business opportunities to satisfy consumer preferences. Organic coffee has often more complex flavors and aromatic nuances, which makes it highly appreciated by consumers seeking superior quality.

The organic coffee market is expanding to meet the growing demand for healthy and sustainable products. Based on data on global coffee production, countries like Brazil, Vietnam, and Colombia are the largest producers, accounting for approximately 56% of global production.

At Verum Ingredients we recognize the importance of offering the market innovative food ingredients, that are also responsibly sourced. Our selection of nutrient-rich botanical food ingredients from South America reflects our commitment to quality, sustainability, and health.

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